Talent finder

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Find Talent Now

Gain immediate access to the experts you need, without any intermediaries or waiting periods. Connect directly and start conversations right away.

GET talent finder for £279/mo
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Get access to OSINT talents without limits to how many searches you can make.

Message the experts

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No contracts, no risk. Cancel your plan anytime with the click of a button.

Post unlimited jobs!
Reach a Niche Audience at ZERO COST
Guaranteed High Quality Candidates
Global & Free Company Exposure
Free Support, No Hidden Costs


Find answers to commonly asked questions about the talent finder.

How does it work?

Our talent finder service allows you to connect directly with experts in your field, eliminating intermediaries and waiting periods. You can start conversations right away and gain immediate access to the knowledge and expertise you need.

Can I cancel anytime?

Yes, you can cancel your talent finder at any time. Simply go to your billing settings and select the cancel option.

Is my information secure?

We take the security of your information seriously. Our platform follows industry-standard security protocols to protect your data.

Still have questions?

Contact our support team for further assistance.

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